If life were like a garden
You would be a rose.
Your thorns would pierce God’s hands,
But He would take the blows.
Like a weeping willow,
God has cried for you.
His tears have filled the oceans.
His pain has made them blue.
Like a butterfly,
God has made you new.
His mercy comes each day,
Like the morning dew.
We see God through creation--
And know--just like the wind,
That though we cannot see Him,
He is our dearest friend.
Like the sun, He arose--
From the death that He chose--
To bring life to the garden,
For the love of the rose.
Written by: Christine Martin
Inspired by my friend Micheal Tedesco’s poetry
This song was put to music a few days later. You can listen to it on my YouTube channel by going to the following link: