Teacups & Roses
Life is not always teacups and roses. Sometimes your tea is too hot, and you get burned. Roses have thorns. Teacups break. Tea bags mold. Nevertheless, if you stop to smell the roses; if you take the time to enjoy a cuppa tea—in other words—if you slow down long enough, you will realize that life’s little moments really are the sweetest; the loveliest; the moments worth remembering. So let’s enjoy life together.

Meet Julie: Author, Artist, Crocheter, and My Best Friend
I have known Julie since she was born. We grew up together and became the best of friends. Julie can do anything she sets her mind to--and I'm not kidding. Anything she touches, just becomes more beautiful. Here in Julie's Corner, you can read her stories, enjoy her amazing artwork, and see what she's been crocheting. Julie also enjoys singing and raises sheep.